TV Current Affairs

01       AM SCHAUPLATZ: Ischgl - The Corona Hotspot in the Alps  /  Austria

02       PANO: Hotel Corona  /  Belgium

03       Traces Remain  /  Bulgaria

04       MOT: Tracking Your Used Garments  /  Finland

05       Chocolate’s Heart of Darkness /  France

06       Inside Our Enemies' Life  /  France

07       Rohingyas: The Crime  /  France

08       The World According To Amazon  /  France

09       re: Basta Europa  /  Germany

10       Die Story: Boeing - The Deadly System  /  Germany

11       Doping Top Secret: The Lord of the Lifters. The Destruction of an Olympic Sport.  /  Germany

12       ZDFzoom: Final Destination Libya - How Europe Is Closing Itself Off  /  Germany

13       MEDIALOGICA: The Hate Playbook  /  The Netherlands

14       Race to the Bottom: Mica  /  The Netherlands

15       ZEMBLA: China's Medicinal Power  /  The Netherlands

16       MISSION INVESTIGATE: The Arla Dairy Farm  /  Sweden

17       SRF Rundschau: Cryptoleaks - How CIA and BND Spied on the World With Swiss Help  /  Switzerland

18       TEMPS PRESENT: In Pursuit of Isis’s Damned  /  Switzerland